The Parks



The Botanical Gardens


The main gate to the Botanical Gardens.





Groomed walkways. The park is full of cats, mostly sleeping.










The gardens use the tudor-style home occupied from 1892 to 1898 by the original director of parks as the offices, conference center and display area for the gardens.





The 17-acre gardens are located in downtown Barrio Palermo.





One highlight is the greenhouse, brought over from France from the 1900 Paris Exhibition.





Many hidden sculptures.





Brillant flowers.





Must have been a hell of a party!



The Japanese Gardens


This beautiful gem was created as a gift to Buenas Aires by the large Japanese community of the city in 1964. Many of the trees and shrubs, as well as the Koi come from Japan. The park also has a large Japanese tea room and restaurant.










The ponds are full of large Koi.





There are many ponds crossed by arched bridges. Also a community building which hosts visiting schoolchildren with skits and music.



Jardin Zoological (OK, its the zoo!)


This large and beautiful zoo was originally opened in 1888. It covers 44 acres and now has over 2500 species of animals.




The capibara are hungry.




Muskrat attack!!




Opps, one got Faye!




Elephant palace.




Sleeping leopard.



Parque 3 de Febrero


Located in Barrio Palermo, this giant park was inagurated in 1875. It was designed by a famous French landscape architect to to match the Paris Bois de Boulogne and London's Hyde Park. It literally covers square miles of land and is divided into many smaller theme parks.




The paddling lake.




Entry to the Rosedal, or rose garden.








The rose garden has about 12,000 rose bushes. All beautifully tended. When I accidently stepped on the grass while taking a picture, I was shrilly whistled to (police whistle) by a female security person and told to get off the grass.




A beautiful place in a beautiful city.










Plaza Naciones Unidas


Called the Floralis Generica, this stainless steel sculpture of a flower opens and closes with the sun. It weighs 18 tons, and is 23 meters high.




Big and beautiful.




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